Are Olive Oil and Lemon Juice Effective Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction (ED)?

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UltraPharmRX Medical Team

If you’re reading this, you’re probably well aware of erectile dysfunction (ED) and its treatment options, such as prescription PDE5 inhibitor drugs like sildenafil (Viagra), tadalafil (Cialis), avanafil (Stendra), and vardenafil (Levitra). 

And by reading this, you’re most likely researching natural ED treatments – in particular, olive oil and lemon juice. You’ve come to the right place.

But first, a quick rundown on ED: erectile dysfunction affects over 30 million Americans and hundreds of millions of men worldwide. ED is caused by physical causes such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and hypertension, medicines like antidepressants and tranquilizers, and lifestyle factors like smoking, recreational drug use, being overweight, or alcohol abuse. ED can also arise from psychological causes like anxiety, stress, and depression.


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Do olive oil and lemon juice work for ED?


So then, are olive oil and lemon juice effective natural treatments for ED or tonics for sexual health? The short answer is that there isn’t much in the way of science to firmly support such claims. 

The only possible benefits that olive oil and lemon juice might provide is that their consumption may help reduce your risks of developing diseases that can lead to or worsen ED.

The myth seems to have come from press reports about how following a Mediterranean diet can help reduce men’s risk of heart disease and improve circulatory health.


Now, there is some evidence that a Mediterranean diet leads to improved heart and circulatory health outcomes – and it does use generous amounts of olive oil and lemon juice as its key ingredients. But the hype that media outlets built around both ingredients as miracle treatments for ED is just plain misleading, with headlines and content based on exaggerated claims or unverified sources.


Granted, some of the articles aren’t egregiously mistaken about how olive oil and lemon juice can be beneficial to health – but they are no substitutes for proven treatments like sildenafil and tadalafil. Not even close.

Olive oil and lemon juice are substances that could help bolster cardiovascular health when used as part of a balanced, healthy diet, rather than medicines you can take before having sex to get better erections. 

PDE5 inhibitors like sildenafil (Viagra) and tadalafil (Cialis) are medicines developed, tested, and work specifically to boost blood flow to the penis as a treatment for ED.


Olive oil and lemon juice are complementary to cardiovascular health by lessening your risks of contracting diseases and sexual dysfunction as a preventative measure. On the other hand, PDE5 inhibitor drugs are proven, effective, and stringently-tested medicines that directly treat ED using tried-and-tested pharmaceuticals.


It isn’t a fair comparison, but it is what it is. Following a Mediterranean diet can do wonders for your cardiovascular health, which might trickle down to improving your sexual capacity. After all, good cardiovascular health is a crucial ingredient of optimal erectile function. Also, research supports the notion that consuming a Mediterranean diet helps men with high blood pressure to experience incremental improvements in testosterone levels and exercise performance. 

But downing copious amounts of olive oil and lemon juice won’t give you the boost you’re looking for. Instead, the Mediterranean diet focuses heavily on moderate consumption of lean meats, instead increasing fish and seafood consumption and plant-based meals. It also focuses on limited red meat, sugar, salt, eggs, and butter. Sticking to a diet requires discipline and commitment, but the benefits of doing so are real.


What ED treatments can I opt for instead?


Dealing with ED requires scientifically-backed treatments that deliver the best results. This includes PDE5 inhibitors like sildenafil, tadalafil, vardenafil, and avanafil. These medications enhance blood circulation to the soft erectile tissues in your penis, allowing you to produce a firmer, longer-lasting erection when you’re sexually aroused. They are generally taken from 15 minutes to an hour before having sex, making them a reliable, effective option for most ED patients.


Other lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking, staying physically active, sticking to a healthy diet, and avoiding alcohol and recreational drug use can reduce your risk of developing chronic erectile dysfunction. 

Smoking is a key contributor to heart disease, which is a key ED risk factor. Quitting smoking might be the best thing you can do right now for your sexual and overall health.

On the other hand, staying physically active improves well-being, cardiovascular health, and quality of life. Just 30 minutes of light physical exercise can do wonders for your health.


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A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean meats, whole grains, and, yes, olive oil – while cutting down on saturated fat and sodium – can improve cardiovascular health, which consequently improves all aspects of your health, including your erectile function.

Curtailing or avoiding alcohol and recreational drug use can also do your erectile function a world of good. After all, alcohol is a known erection-killing substance also linked to premature ejaculation (PE), and many recreational drugs can do the same.


Conclusion: the lowdown on olive oil, lemon juice, and ED


That said, consuming a diet rich in olive oil, fruit, vegetables, and lean protein can produce substantial, tangible benefits for your heart and sexual health. Sticking to such a diet can lead to better cardiovascular health outcomes and lower risks of developing ED.

Ultimately, however, the myth of drinking olive oil and lemon juice to improve erections isn’t supported by scientific evidence, nor is the notion of olive oil being better than a PDE5 inhibitor in treating ED.

If you have been diagnosed with or are experiencing symptoms of ED, you’ll get the best results by taking a prescription PDE5 inhibitor ED drug. Consult your doctor to determine which one is the best for your specific situation.

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