Sildenafil is the first FDA-approved treatment for erectile dysfunction. It was originally conceptualized as a treatment for hypertension and angina pectoris, but subsequent testing and research showed that the drug had a much more apparent effect on penile tumescence. Sildenafil was patented in 1996, and approved by the FDA in 1998, and for more than 20 years it completely dominated the erectile dysfunction drug market.
The discovery of the world’s first erectile dysfunction medication was unexpected, to say the least, but the science behind the medication was already available at the time it was conceived. It was clear that vasodilation was a key pathway that would lower blood pressure and reduce the heart’s workload, and the only surprise in this story is how much vasodilation would actually affect penile tumescence. In this article, we’ll discuss the pathway that sildenafil takes to induce erections.
What does sildenafil do to your body?
Sildenafil is designed and conceptualized to be a vasodilator; a type of medication that affects how blood vessels contract and dilate, and allows blood to flow freely through the bloodstream. By directly influencing the mechanism that controls blood vessel contraction and dilation, sildenafil effectively improves blood flow to certain areas of the body.
Originally, sildenafil was intended to affect a much larger portion of the body, but the subsequent research and testing showed that sildenafil’s effects are much more concentrated in the genital region and the pulmonary artery. Further testing showed that sildenafil is a highly selective inhibitor of phosphodiesterase type 5, the enzyme that controls the dilation and contraction of certain blood vessels.
Sildenafil enhances the nitric oxide-mediated relaxation of the cavernous spaces in the penis, and this leads to the increased blood volume in the corpora cavernosa that triggers an expansion of the elastic penile tissue, creating an erection. By inhibiting phosphodiesterase type 5, sildenafil increases the concentrations of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), causing a reaction that signals the smooth muscles in the blood vessels to relax.
During sexual stimulation, the nerves exchange biological signals that stimulate the penis. Impulses from the nerves and brain cause the smooth muscles in the penis to relax, allowing blood to fully engorge the organ. The influx of blood creates pressure, which causes the elastic penile tissue to expand and develop a full erection.
Sildenafil helps the signaling process by blocking the enzyme that negates the signals that trigger penile tumescence. In addition to inducing blood flow to the corpora cavernosa, sildenafil also directly impacts the narrowing or blockages in the blood vessels that may reduce the flow of blood to the penis.
It is important to note sexual stimulation is a prerequisite to trigger the effects of sildenafil in relation to male sexual function. Without sexual stimulation, the user may not develop an erection.
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Does sildenafil make you harder?
In essence, sildenafil helps to improve erection firmness as erections are highly dependent on the volume and pressure created in the cavernous spaces of the penis. Impaired blood flow may cause weak erections that may eventually lead to erectile dysfunction.
Erectile dysfunction is not an instantaneous event in most cases. It is a condition brought about by years of declining blood flow to the penis. Researchers measure erection quality on a scale of 0-4, with 0 being the complete inability to develop any change in penis size or firmness, and 4 being a fully erect and rigid penis.
Most men experience milder forms of erectile dysfunction, characterized by erections that do not expand to their supposed normal size, or erections that are not rigid enough for penetration. In these cases, sildenafil can increase blood flow to the penis to improve the overall quality of erections.
Does sildenafil keep you hard after coming?
Sildenafil stays in the system for about 4-5 hours, and while the medication is active, the user may regain a full erection after ejaculating. The most critical factor that affects a man’s ability to regain an erection after ejaculating is the refractory period or the rest period after ejaculating that essentially makes men insensitive to sexual stimuli.
The refractory period could last anywhere from 5 minutes to a full hour. As long as men can regain sexual arousal within 4-5 hours after taking sildenafil, it would be possible to stay erect and rigid.
How should I take sildenafil for the best results?
The recommended intake of sildenafil is one full dose, on an empty stomach, at least 30-45 minutes before sexual intercourse. You may opt to take sildenafil 2-3 hours prior to sexual intercourse, but it should be no more than 4 hours as the medication may wear off.
Taking sildenafil on a full stomach may affect how the body absorbs the medication. Eating fatty food may cause a significant delay in the absorption of sildenafil. For best results, take sildenafil on an empty stomach.
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Who should not take sildenafil?
Individuals who are being treated for cardiovascular or pulmonary health problems would need to discuss with their physician or supervising health professional before taking sildenafil. Sildenafil has certain contraindications that would need to be considered as it directly affects the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. If you are unsure about the status of your health, consult a qualified health professional first.
Over the last two decades, sildenafil proved to be an effective treatment for symptoms of erectile dysfunction. Plenty of research has been conducted related to the effects of sildenafil, and more uses of sildenafil have been discovered. Sildenafil is now used to treat other illnesses, such as pulmonary arterial hypertension, Mountain Sickness, and Reynaud’s Phenomenon.
Sildenafil’s mechanism of action yields a direct and predictable impact on male sexual function, and it shows the level of understanding that the industry has about the effects of the medication, and that’s why it’s important to take warnings and contraindications seriously, as these originate from the understanding that we have about the uses and risks of the medication.