Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is the treatment of choice for individuals diagnosed with low T. Healthcare providers might offer drugs like anastrozole as an alternative to help increase testosterone levels.
Anastrozole is an aromatase-inhibiting substance that prevents or hinders the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. However, anastrozole isn’t recommended as a first-line treatment for low T in men due to the lack of evidence supporting its purported claims.
Aromatase inhibitors are sometimes used to reduce estrogen levels in men who are administered testosterone.
Testosterone levels decline as men age. Low testosterone levels may cause low libido, lack of stamina, erectile and other sexual dysfunctions, weakness, and reduced bone density.
What is anastrozole?
Anastrozole, known by its brand name Arimidex®, is seldom used to supplement individuals with low testosterone. Anastrozole works by reducing the amount of estrogen present in the body.
The drug was originally developed to treat a type of breast cancer in postmenopausal women.
More specifically, hormone receptor-positive breast cancer indicates that the breast cancer cells grow in relation to the presence of estrogen in the system, which is what anastrozole can help treat.
However, the FDA has only approved anastrozole only for women’s use.
Some healthcare providers prescribe drugs like anastrozole or clomiphene off-label to men with low T. However, the evidence is lacking as far as recommending them as first-line treatments for low testosterone.
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Is anastrozole effective for men?
Little evidence supports the claim of anastrozole being effective for men.
In a couple of small studies, anastrozole showed some benefits in increasing testosterone and sperm count in some infertile or low-T men and older men with slightly lower testosterone levels.
While it is suggested that anastrozole might help boost testosterone levels, another analysis indicates that it might not bring any benefits associated with higher T levels, such as a higher sex drive, improved erections, or increased semen production and quality.
That being said, there is no sufficient evidence to conclusively recommend anastrozole as a primary treatment for low T as far as clinical practice is concerned.
Anastrozole doesn’t seem to be as effective as some proponents say it is. For instance, clomiphene, another drug used to treat low T off-label, showed better improvements in low-T men compared to anastrozole.
Nevertheless, healthcare providers may think about prescribing low-dose anastrozole to supplement men undergoing testosterone replacement therapy. This is because testosterone injections may boost estrogen levels, leading to unsightly breast enlargement in men (also known as gynecomastia). Aromatase-inhibiting drugs like anastrozole may help reduce estrogen levels in men, therefore indicating that it could help treat gynecomastia.
Anastrozole in men: how does the aromatase inhibitor work?
There’s still this mistaken notion that testosterone and estrogen are mutually exclusive for men and women. However, both sexes actually produce both hormones naturally. That said, maintaining a proper balance between testosterone and estrogen levels is a prerequisite for good health in both men and women.
Excessive amounts of testosterone (or extremely low estrogen levels) can cause low libido, breast enlargement, and erectile dysfunction (ED) in men. Men produce testosterone through the Leydig cells found in the testicles. Men also produce an estrogen known as estradiol in the testicles, but most of it is produced from the conversion of testosterone by aromatase. Anastrozole inhibits the converting action of aromatase, slowing down the breakdown of testosterone into estradiol. This helps increase overall testosterone concentrations while reducing estradiol.
What are the side effects of taking anastrozole?
Most side effects we know of anastrozole are based on its effects on women using it as a cancer treatment. Individuals in studies reported side effects like hot flushes, inflammation such as arthritis and back pain, depression, and increased risk of developing fractures.
The potential side effect of reduced bone health and density is one of the reasons why anastrozole isn’t recommended as a standard treatment for low testosterone. In a 2009 study, older men with low T gained an increase in total concentrations but also demonstrated reduced bone density, particularly in the spine, after undergoing anastrozole treatment.
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What are the symptoms of low testosterone?
Low testosterone affects nearly half of men above 50. Low testosterone concentration in the bloodstream may lead to distressing symptoms like a low sex drive, erectile dysfunction (ED), loss of bone and muscle mass, and general weakness, among others.
Aging is the most common culprit behind low testosterone. However, lifestyle factors like obesity, sleep apnea, and taking particular drugs may also cause low T.
Consult a healthcare professional if you suspect you have low testosterone levels. They will conduct a blood test to determine whether you are deficient in testosterone. Serum and free testosterone levels are ideally taken in the morning when they are at their highest.
Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is a primary treatment for low testosterone. TRT is available in various preparations, such as injections, creams, patches, and pills. Testosterone replacement therapy works by introducing testosterone into your bloodstream to increase your baseline levels. TRT is generally safe and effective when taken under supervision and as directed.
However, TRT can negatively impact your long-term fertility. Over time, TRT inhibits your body’s natural ability to produce sperm and testosterone, potentially leading to infertility.
Can I raise my testosterone levels naturally?
Want to give your body a safe, natural testosterone boost? Studies indicate a link between taking up high-intensity exercises and higher testosterone levels.
This includes high-intensity interval training or HIIT. HIIT incorporates intense cardiovascular exercise with breaks of lower-intensity activity. However, you don’t have to go overboard with the exercise. A 2016 study showed that light to moderate exercises such as walking or jogging may help boost T levels.
Another way you can help promote healthy T levels is to cut down on alcohol or cut it out entirely from your diet. An occasional drink wouldn’t probably cause a drop per se. However, long-term, heavy alcohol consumption appears to be linked to low T, decreased sperm production and quality, and erectile dysfunction (ED).