What is Hard Flaccid Syndrome (HFS)? A Complete Primer

UltraPharmRX Medical Team

UltraPharmRX Medical Team

Hard flaccid syndrome (HFS) is gaining more recognition around medical circles since its first diagnosis in 2018. HFS, in essence, is a condition wherein an individual remains with a semi-erect penis even when they are currently flaccid.

This leads to a host of symptoms like erectile dysfunction (ED), psychological distress, and pain in the penile region. Worse, it may significantly affect a person’s quality of life.

HFS has been most commonly diagnosed in men between the age of 20 and 40. According to online men’s health forums, HFS is often compared to chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS) due to the constant pain it causes in the groin or pelvic region. It’s yet unknown how many individuals have HFS because it isn’t clearly defined as other penile health conditions. However, plenty of men’s health forums and support groups talk about it.


Hard flaccid syndrome (HFS): what are its symptoms?


Researchers are yet uncertain about what causes HFS because the condition itself has only been recognized in recent years. Symptoms may include:


  • Erectile dysfunction (ED). Since HFS causes your penis to be semi-erect while being in a flaccid state, you may run into difficulties producing an erection hard or long-lasting enough to have pleasurable, vigorous sex. You might lose the ability to produce erections at night or get erections when you wake up.
  • Pain in the penis. People with HFS often report pain in the penis which gets worse when they stand up. Some people with HFS also report that their pain subsides when they urinate or lie flat on their backs.
  • Pain during erections and/or ejaculation. Researchers believe this type of pain may be related to pelvic floor muscle spasms, although it isn’t entirely clear yet what causes it.
  • Pain while urinating. This condition may also be accompanied by weak urine flow.
  • Reduced sex drive. As a result of HFS, you may feel less inclined to engage in sexual activity.
  • Reduced penis sensitivity. This symptom may also be accompanied by sensations like numbness in the penis, a soft, flaccid head, or that your penis might feel “rubbery.”
  • Anxiety and depression. HFS may cause mild to severe psychological distress as a result of its symptoms.


HFS isn’t usually detected using standard laboratory tests, so your doctor may diagnose you with this condition based on the symptoms you have.`


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What are the causes of hard flaccid syndrome (HFS)?


The exact cause of HFS is yet undetermined. But based on research, it appears to involve several factors.

HFS generally arises a few days after experiencing penile trauma due to physical injuries, overly vigorous sex or masturbation, doing pelvic floor exercises, or using vacuum devices.

This type of trauma may cause damage to the penile blood vessels and cause blood to flow in – but not to flow out of it once your erection subsides. Consequently, this leaves your penis in a continuous semi-erect state.

Moreover, trauma may cause penile nerve damage, which can cause numbness, and pelvic floor muscle spasms.

Worse, HFS can cause severe mental and emotional distress, which worsens pelvic floor spasms. This psychological distress can create a constant cycle that can be hard to break once it’s gone on for some time. Fortunately, you have treatment options for HFS.


How is hard flaccid syndrome (HFS) treated?


As yet, there are no standardized treatments for HFS. However, there are several ways you can deal with its symptoms. Since HFS is linked to both physiological and psychological causes, it can be beneficial to include techniques such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and seeing a therapist as part of HFS treatment.

Moreover, since anxiety, depression, and stress worsen symptoms of HFS, treating these psychological symptoms may improve HFS outcomes. These may include stress-reducing activities such as yoga, mindfulness training, and breathing exercises. Additionally, lifestyle changes like eating a well-balanced diet, getting quality sleep, and getting regular exercise can bring plenty of mental and physical health benefits.

Other individuals with HFS may improve their symptoms by receiving treatment for pelvic floor dysfunction. This might entail treatments like physical therapy, pelvic floor massages, or doing reverse Kegel exercises.


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How long do people recover from hard flaccid syndrome (HFS)?


The length of HFS may vary. Some reports suggest HFS lasts for several months, while other individuals with HFS reported that their symptoms lasted for several weeks. The fact is that it is yet unclear exactly how long HFS lasts and how long people with HFS take to make a full recovery.


Can people with hard flaccid syndrome (HFS) take sildenafil (Viagra)?


It’s understandable why sildenafil (Viagra) might appeal to people with HFS, but the fact is that there is very little evidence that supports the notion that taking sildenafil is effective for HFS. In a few case studies, people with HFS that took either 50 mg of sildenafil or 5 mg of tadalafil (Cialis) failed to show any improvements, leading them to stop taking the medicines.

On the other hand, some people with HFS have reported that their doctors treated them with antidepressants, analgesics, or PDE-5 ED drugs. Several individuals have reported some sort of benefit, but the majority of men reported that there were no significant changes in their condition after treatment.

There’s still plenty to understand about HFS, but it’s slowly gaining attention. Talk to your healthcare provider if you suspect you might be experiencing symptoms of HFS to find out the best way to treat it.`

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